Call for Submissions

Artists' Television Access webzine, Issue #5

Scheduled for release Spring 2006


Deadline for proposals: February 1, 2005

The Artists' Television Access webzine seeks new writing, artwork and original perspectives on the theme of "Exposure." Calling all photographers, exotic dancers, political activists, conspiracy theorists, magicians, filmmakers and those of like-minded intentions.--show us what you've got up your sleeves!

We want essays, reviews, interviews, outerviews, overviews, oversights and everything in between. Drawings, diagrams, photographs, collages and other visual accompaniment are encouraged. We will also be very impressed if you can create an original artwork (not necessarily falling under the category of two-dimensional work) based on this topic to accompany your submission. These will be included in an exhibtion/screening which will coincide with the release of the zine issue.

If you are interested in contributing, please contact the editors for further details at