Artists' Television Access

Architecture Of Time

Monday, May 11, 2015, 6:00 pm, $5

 Architecture Of TimeStudents from the Department of Art Practice at University of California, Berkeley showcase video architecture, while exploring various genres, compositional approaches, tactical media and abstraction, time lapse and animation. Each student shares introspective, experimental, and documentary video utilizing metaphor, symbolism and poetic gestures to construct narratives drawn from personal experiences which have shaped their worldview, personal philosophy, or to raise awareness about an issue. In this collection of works, the artists design an experiential journey for the viewers, while exploring what has influenced their own way of seeing and the lens through which they observe the world.

Participating Artists:
Tara Baghdassarian, Irene Chen, Bridget Cuevas, Ryan Davis, Grecia Dedios, Nikki Duong, Sara Emsaki, Ozzie Salvador Juarez, Hannah Kim, Dakota Rose, Yan Shi, Shirin Towfiq, André Villa, Haley Seppa, Jensen Young
Instructor: Azin Seraj

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