Friday, May 12, 2023, 7:00 pm
Join us for an evening of film from the advanced production students at the University of San
Francisco. Tonight, features short films made in our Documentary and 16mm production
classes. Our documentary students take the USF ethos, “Change the World From Here”, to
heart, making passionate films about an array of personal, local and national issues. Our 16mm
students, meanwhile, have been thrown into the deep-end, wrestling with the challenges of
making analog films. It will be a great evening, filled with creative wonders. Please join us!
Jack Aceto
Cencere Baker
Miles Clark
Dylan Divine-Sicherman
Wyatt Fields
Sophie Frey
Justin George
Daisy Guiterrez
Preston Hayden
Jake Jilizian
Ava Klubberud
Kiara Maxino
Veronica Palmer
Chris Rama
Jeremy Goei Videla
Ashley Bohmwald
Jessica Crosby
Khari Dawson
Prestonn Hayden
Ryoto Kaneda
Jose Romaker
Lisa Rudometkin
Sariah Watkins