Saturday, May 27, 2023, 8:08 pm
A mini-fest of innovation in film form, this season’s NEW Night boasts more than 15 cine-initiatives, and more than 7 makers in person..the majority of them women. We’re particularly honored to have in the house Vanessa Renwick and Bill Daniel, each with new pieces–Vanessa with The Girl in the Boat and Bill with Understanding Tumbleweeds, a multi-media collaboration with live musician Thad Povey! ALSO in person are Al Hernandez with Jumping Fences, TT Takemoto with Ever Wanting , and Maura Cotter with Arboreal Memories. We’ve also managed to enlist Kelly Sears‘ Phase II, Alix Blevins‘ Absolving the Valve, Anna Kipervaser‘s With The Tide, with the Tide, Kelly Gallagher‘s In the Future, Alex Miller’s My Eyes Resist Nothing, and 2(!!) new movies from Seattle‘s Salise Hughes–on The Graduate‘s Mrs. Robinson. PLUS Bryan Boyce and Tomas Talamantes (both in person), a 99 Hooker luv-letter, and Justin Rhody‘s inspired collab with Sergei Eisenstein and a hundred “crowd-animators” on the exquisite-corpse Potemkin. Free pencils, per usual…$11