July 11, 2019 - August 6, 2019
July 09 – August 06, 2019

May we be closer to our true nature as our identity is unknown to you, stranger. May you feel me as part of yourself as my gender, my ego and my history is not projected upon me by your gaze, but the core of my spirit is felt in your spine, your skin, your cells.
For the duration of this month, you can experience Anonymous Intimacy. A moving body is inside the ATA display case, listening and engaging with you, leaving an imprint or memory of this experience on opaque paper. Each dancer paints their body against the glass so you might feel each pulse and breath as their movement articulates their intimate expression.
Once each performance is complete, the dancer will layer their painting on top of the one that came before at the back of the showroom. The paper’s transparency allows you to see layers of dancer’s experiences behind the fresh print as it dries.
Project design: Angela Newsham
Queer artist, born and raised in Hawaii and current San Francisco resident. Through wildlife rehabilitation and data research, Angela studied the instinctual nature and spherical understanding of space and time that birds of prey live by. She explores how our human bodies may have inhibitions to clear expression and what storiesm emerge from those spaces through performance art. She has trained extensively in Body-Mind Centering with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and Sonja Riket and in Butoh with Vangeline, Yumiko Yoshioka, Diego Pinon, Natsu Nakajima, Atsushi Takenouch and Hiroko Komiya.