Sunday, March 16, 2014, 5:00 pm
hosted by former SPT Director Jocelyn Saidenberg
Born in Atlanta, poet, novelist, and publisher Renee Gladman earned a BA at Vassar College and an MA in poetics at the New College of California. Gladman, whose work has been associated with the New Narrative movement, composes prose and poetry that tests the potential of the sentence with mapmaking precision and curiosity.
Author of the poetry collection A Picture-Feeling (2005), Gladman has also published several works of prose, including Event Factory (2010), The Activist(2003), Juice (2000), and Arlem (1994). She has edited Leon Works, an experimental prose chapbook series, as well as the Leroy chapbook series. Gladman lives in Massachusetts and teaches at Brown University.
Evelyn Reilly’s recent books of poetry are Apocalypso and Styrofoam, both published by Roof Books. Earlier work includes Fervent Remnants of Reflective Surfaces, from Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, and Hiatus, from Barrow Street Books. Essays and poems have appeared lately in Omniverse, Jacket2, The Eco-language Reader, Interim, and The Arcadia Project: Postmodernism and the Pastoral, an anthology published by Ahsahta Press. She has taught poetics at St. Marks Poetry Project and the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University, and has been a co-curator of the Segue Reading Series.
Since 1974 Small Press Traffic (SPT) has been at the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area innovative writing scene, bringing together independent readers, writers, and presses through publications, conferences, talks, and our influential reading series. Small Press Traffic Literary Arts Center promotes and supports writers from all over the globe—particularly those who push the limits of how we speak and think about the world. Kindly and graciously housed at the California College of the Arts, we remain autonomous and thus depend upon outside funding for our operating expenses.